In case you have not been paying attention to the games this year, allow me to introduce a few of our most eye-catching athletes...
David Boudia, you are the man. Okay, now be my man.
Don't worry David; I didn't forget your synchro diving partner, Nick McCrory. I wouldn't be properly introducing our great 2012 Olympians without presenting both halves of your... shall I say, captivating team otherwise!
Me: "Hi. Whatcha doin'?"
Ryan Lochte. I am saddened to learn that you are probably a dumb douchebag (which is the worst kind of douchebag to be), but that won't stop me from looking at you. Hey, I'm just picking up tips for my freestyle stroke, you know?
Nice work getting that relay going with your other teammates, Ryan. You set it off on a great note, and Ricky Berens secured the lead time needed for Michael Phelps to bring home the gold. Thanks, Ricky!
Of course the Summer Olympics wouldn't be the same without my favorite sport to watch, gymnastics. We were impressive in the qualifying round, but it was unfortunately pretty painful to watch the finals. My heart was so sad for them.
Jake Dalton. I'm here for you to lean on in these hard times. Seriously. Lean on me.
Sam Mikulak. I share the joy expressed on your face when I get to witness the beautiful strength and agility exhibited by you and your fellow American Olympians.
Oh Sorry, are they not your cup of tea? No worries, peruse these Olympians instead!:
U.S.A. Women's Soccer
Alex Morgan
Hope Solo
Dana Vollmer (Sorry about that five-head, girl. I still think you're super pretty!)
Elizabeth Beisel
Beach Volleyball
Misty May-Treanor and Kerry Walsh
Misty May-Treanor
Jen Kessy
And so I leave you with an echo of my previous sentiments. Thank you, Olympics. You have provided an ultimate goal for athletes 'round the world. And thank you, America, for stepping up to the plate with these fine specimens.
I approve this blog post, now.
ReplyDeleteyou should have put that one pic.... you know, that one.