Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Is this thing on?

I have been trying to come up with a "perfect first post" for quite awhile now - one that would just set the tone beautifully for what's to come.  A post that would encapsulate everything I want this blog to be in one neat little package to present to the world.

It's recently come to my attention that the reason I can't come up with this so-called "perfect post" is most likely due to the fact that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

I certainly am not going to know where this blog is supposed to take me if I still wonder sometimes how I even got to where I am in life.  I still feel like this awkward teenager inside sometimes, and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop - for someone else to notice that I was definitely thrown into the deep end of adult life with no floaties.  Nobody ever does though!  They just let me keep this adult job, with a real salary, and don't bat an eye that I live alone in my own apartment, with real bills that get paid every month.  I look every bit the part of a grown person with their shit together.

And I suppose I am, in the grand scheme of things.  I've learned a lot about myself, and life, through the years - lessons that can only come with growing up.  Lessons in friendship, in love, in how to be a decent person, in tragedy, in how to carry myself.  I've grown from my parents telling me what to do, to considering and valuing their words as advice but ultimately making my own decisions.  I fully support myself, and clean up my own messes.  I am a legit, full-fledged adult, y'all!

Therein lies the answer.  If I can play grown-up with the best of them, even though internally I'm screaming "BUT I'M STILL FIFTEEN!," then chances are most of you are doing the same.

So here I am.  I started a blog because I love to write, so it's time for me to just do it already.  Nobody is going to care that I don't have a "perfect" post, because you know what?  Nobody else knows what the fuck they're doing, either.